About the Project

Survey Questionnaire

In 2019, the EU and Country Experts were asked to fill out the following questionnaire. Follow the links below for Quantitative Indicator results. The experts used their answers to compose their EU and Country Reports.

Political and strategic objectives


National WGA policies on external conflicts and crises


Is there a WGA framework for coordination and cooperation at the national level?

There are governmental documents at the national level explicitly outlining a WGA (as special strategy, as part of the national security strategy, in government declarations, in special strategies of certain ministries…)
There are no explicit governmental documents, but implicit commitments can be found in different policy documents.
There is no explicit or implicit mention of WGA in policy documents


If the answer to Q1 was yes (score 2 or 1), which countries and regions are covered? And why are these countries and regions particularly relevant for the country?



If the answer to Q1 was yes (score 2 or 1), what is the scope (narrow = civil-military coordination; medium = diplomacy, security, development, and humanitarian aid; system-wide = including also economy and trade)?



If the answer to Q1 was yes (score 2 or 1), what are the fields of action (for example humanitarian and development aid, conflict transformation, stabilisation and peace-building)? Are there particular thematic priorities and why?



If the answer to Q1 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the quality of these documents? For example: how binding are these commitments? Do they contain guidelines for implementation?


EU framework (Global Strategy)



Has the Global Strategy ‘inspired’ or influenced the formulation of national WGA strategies? To what extent have WGA strategies of the EU been setting the framework for developing WGA policies at a national level?



How much has the member state influenced/supported the EU’s Global Strategy? What mutual interactions were/are observable in developing or implementing the Global Strategy?



Does the member state launch special WGA initiatives within the EU framework (e.g. CSDP missions)?


International framework



To what extent have WGA strategies of the UN, NATO, OECD/DAC, OSCE… been setting the framework for developing WGA policies at a national level? How binding are these international organisations’ WGAs for the member state?



How much has the member state influenced/supported the WGA strategies of the UN, NATO, OECD/DAC, OSCE… What mutual interactions were/are observable in developing or implementing these WGA strategies?


Your comments



Do you have any other comments on section 1?


Institutional actors


In-country cooperation and coordination in dealing with external conflict and crisis


Is there formal or informal coordination/cooperation between different ministries (inter-ministerial level)? Which ministries and agencies are involved?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place


Is there formal or informal coordination within each ministry (intra-ministerial level)?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place


Is there formal or informal coordination/cooperation within parliament?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place


Is there formal or informal coordination/cooperation between executive and legislative powers?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place


Is there formal or informal coordination/cooperation with civil society actors?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place

EU/international cooperation and coordination in dealing with external conflict and crisis


Is there formal or informal coordination/cooperation with EU institutions and actors?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place


Is there formal or informal coordination/cooperation with the UN, NATO, OECD/DAC, OSCE?

There is well-established and formalised coordination and cooperation
There is some kind of coordination and cooperation, often informal or ad hoc in nature
There is no coordination or cooperation taking place

Your comments



Do you have any other comments on section 2?


Degree of interaction and instruments introduced




Concerning WGA at the national level: Is there a set of special structures or arrangements in place to make a WGA happen? - Things to look for: special units; interdepartmental structures of coordination; coordination mechanisms…

There are significant institutional changes reflecting the country’s commitment to WGA at the national level
There are some minor institutional changes being made to enable the country’s commitment to WGA
No institutional arrangements or changes have been made


If the answer to Q20 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the effectiveness and quality of these institutional arrangements?



Are there structures or arrangements in place to facilitate policy coherence within the EU framework? - Things to look for: special units; interdepartmental structures of coordination; coordination mechanisms…

There are significant institutional changes reflecting the country’s commitment to the EU´s integrated approach
There are some minor institutional changes being made to enable the country’s commitment
No institutional arrangements or changes have been made


If the answer to Q22 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the effectiveness and quality of these institutional arrangements?



Are there special structures or arrangements in place to facilitate policy coherence within the international framework (e.g. UN, NATO, OECD/DAC, OSCE and civil society)? - Things to look for: special units; interdepartmental structures of coordination; coordination mechanisms…

There are significant institutional changes reflecting the country’s commitment to WGA with other (international) actors
There are some minor institutional changes being made to enable the country’s commitment to WGA with other (international) actors
No institutional arrangements or changes have been made with other (international) actors


If the answer to Q24 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the effectiveness and quality of these institutional arrangements?


Instruments and procedures


Concerning WGA at the national level: Are there financial and/or non-financial instruments in place that facilitate the implementation of a WGA? - Things to look for: guidelines; joint financial instruments; accountability systems; information-sharing, joint lessons learned processes…

There are integrated processes for initiating, programming, and implementing a WGA at the national level
There are some tools for sharing information and coordinating in place that serve to enable or facilitate a WGA at the national level
There are no WGA tools in place at the national level


If the answer to Q26 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the effectiveness and quality of these tools in enabling a WGA?


Human resources


Is there an appropriate human resources (HR) policy in place to facility the implementation of a WGA? - Things to look for: specialised staff and resources; WGA trainings; incentives or rewards for cooperation; learning over time…

There is a strong HR policy in place that favours the implementation of a WGA
The HR policy seeks to foster WGA to some extent
There is no HR policy in place that is linked to implementing a WGA


If the answer to Q28 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the effectiveness and quality of this HR policy?


Political or administrative leadership


Is there leadership that enables practitioners to manage the complex institutional arrangements that WGA-work requires? - Things to look for: clear political guidance; top-down implementation of WGA…

There is clear leadership that enables or facilitates a WGA
There is no outspoken leadership, but some political guidance can be detected
There is no leadership in place that pushes for WGA


If the answer to Q30 was yes (score 2 or 1), how would you assess the effectiveness and quality of this political or administrative leadership in enabling a WGA?


Your comments



Do you have any other comments on section 3?


Country Report





Briefly reflect about when and why a WGA has/hasn’t been introduced in your country. In what ways does a WGA in your country reflect the country’s specificities (e.g. in relation to its institutional and constitutional set-up)?


What policies have been developed to further policy coherence?



Discuss both explicitly formulated WGA policies and more implicit references to a WGA in your country. You may, for example, describe and assess the scope and quality of official or semi-official policies or discuss the country’s obligations under international and EU agreements.


Who are the main actors involved in cooperating in a WGA?



Who are the main actors that cooperate in WGA-like fashion in your country? At what levels do you see cooperation and coordination, whether in a formal or informal manner, taking place in your country’s dealings with external crises and conflicts?


How does your country operationalise a WGA?



What administrative structures and processes are in place to back-up the policies described in the previous section? How does your country operationalise a WGA and with what success? What are the key operational enablers and ‘disablers’ of a WGA in your country?





Overall, in what ways and with what success has your country implemented a WGA? What would you consider the success factors underpinning a WGA in your country?


Reference list



What references have you used for the report?

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