Main Actors
Sweden’s WGA-related policies state general ambitions of coordination while specifically listings which agencies (policy areas) are required to participate. The government bills are the outcome of negotiations in the Government Offices over who must be involved, which has further consequences for instructions, budgets and other matters. In other words, the policies are examples of high-level coordination to be supported by the previously mentioned working groups.
In addition to development cooperation (aid), the 2003 strategy (Regeringens proposition 2003) mentions 11 policy areas considered to be part of the broader and more general policy for global development: law enforcement, defence, trade, migration, health and social care, finance, education, agriculture and fishery, culture, environment and commerce. The 2007 strategy (Regeringens skrivelse 2007a), on the other hand, speaks more narrowly of military and civilian capabilities. A number of agencies are mentioned as examples of civilian recruitment to international missions: the police, the prosecutors, the courts, the jails, the agency to support the fire brigades, the agency for international cooperation, and the Folke Bernadotte Academy. In any case, there are very few studies about coordination or cooperation at the operational level.